Monday, February 14, 2011

If you fail to prepare then prepare to fail.

 A good Leadership is a facilitator and provider of a better living and better future. Good leaders promote new directions such as better products and services and they open doors to everyone who is able to show a good leadership and this means that leaders manage as much as lead. At present, many nations in the world are suffering under a very bad leadership. The most ‘powerful’ nation in the world in USA has suffered a very embarrassing and damaging eight years under the leadership of George W Bush and Americans have a very long way to change this negative image they have inherited. Is Obama the right person to lead American achieve this mountainous task? We will have to wait and see. The UK leadership has suffered embarrassing corruption issues in the last few months. These corrupted UK government members were exposed, but how about those who were not exposed? How much corruption did go under the bridge?

Last week I followed the interview of President Isaias Afewerki with the financial times with great interest. President Isaias and his colleagues in the Eritrean Government have one mission and this mission is to prepare a strong Eritrea for the coming generations. The clear and transparent vision of this leadership is being put into practice. Staying independent physically and mentally is the only way forward and I thought the President did well as usual. The question about Somalia took half of the time during the interview. The turbulent poor country is being terrorised and since Clinton administration was chased out of the country during early 1990s, Eritrea’s stand was consistent. Somalis can only solve their own problems. External interference should only help bringing all factions to one table. How can one support a nonexistent Government? How can USA and UK accuse Eritrea of fuelling the situation in Somalia while they are actually arming war lords in Somalia and the invading soldiers of Ethiopia?

These questions should be raised by those who are ‘representing’ Africa. The mute organisation by the name of ‘African Union’ has sadly become a servant of those who have geopolitical agenda and therefore it is partly weakening Africa. This ‘Organisation’ does speak when it’s told to do so and keeps quiet when it is ordered to do so. Is it really capable of leading Africa in progressing to a better future? Clearly not. A bunch of clueless fainthearted corrupted lames get together and take orders. When they are told to jump, without any hesitance they ask how high.

Why are most African nations tapped in a very narrow hole and it has become impossible for them to free themselves? It is only because they failed to prepare. One leadership goes and another one follows, but the same story of war, poverty, destruction, disease etc. If mistakes are made then it should be only right to rectify them. The question comes to all the failed leaders in Africa that, why is this simple logic not clear to them. For instance, if you spent 17 years fighting to bring ‘Democracy’ in Ethiopia, then being a tool or a puppet should be the very last thing in your mind. You become progressive as you don’t want to be trapped in the narrow hole of destruction. The sleazy prime minister of Ethiopia and his gangs would change their story everyday only to please those masters who are paying their pocket money. In this case, there is no leadership in Ethiopia, because the Weyane thugs are not leading Ethiopia, but facilitating for those who are weakening the country. The same story in Djibouti, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria etc.  

The satisfactory truth about Shaebia or the Eritrean leadership is that it has learned and assessed the situations in the world and particularly in Africa and has decided to follow the right path to development i.e. starting from scratch and building the way up. For example Grass roots democracy, installing basic necessities such as clean water, clinics, schools, roads etc in every corner of the country. Without being swayed by short-lived fantasies and concentrating on the reality, the leadership has proven to stabilise Eritrea in many ways. When the third offensive on Eritrea by the thugs in Ethiopia (backed by those who have geopolitical agenda) was foiled 9 years ago, another conspiracy to divide and dismantle the strong and united Eritrean identity was orchestrated. Unfortunately some Eritreans including some leaders were corrupted into becoming tools. Had that evil attempt succeeded, we would now have Eritrea which is similar to Kenya, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Uganda, Nigeria and the rest. The diligence of this leadership has managed to quash this evil and deadly virus (before it infected many others) and carried on rebuilding Eritrea.

No other nation and certainly not USA and UK have right neither are they qualified to lecture Eritrea about democracy, freedom of press, corruption, social justice etc. Without saying much, if we look at the track records of those nations that are being lectured by USA and UK; then Eritrea gladly says thank you but NO thank you. We don’t want your hypocritical lectures.     

A very few power thirsty Eritreans who are stubbornly blinded by personal hatred, greed, sick and narrow regionalist dividing ideologies do scream every now and then. Scream of failure. Those failures such as Huriy Tedla Bairu, Bereket Habteslasie, Adhanom Gebremariam, Abdela Adem, Mesfun Hagos and their tools Saleh Gedi, Tesfaldet Meharena, the mad man Amanuel Iyassu, the regionalist imbecile Isseyas Asfeha, the frustrated and attention seeking Elsa Chrum and some others (not even worth mentioning their names) self proclaimed puppets who satisfy their sick mentalities by writing laughable jokes on websites, have accepted their failure and are already contemplating their lonely lives ahead.

Eritrea is represented by over 4.5 million Eritreans. Except those (around fifty in number) failures, Eritreans inside and abroad are working for the good of their country. They assured the existence of their nation and now they are continuing to build it. Hundreds of thousands of young men and women are defending, rebuilding and representing by keeping their promise to those who were martyred before them. Every little from everyone is making a very huge positive difference. With the forward thinking, visionary and diligent leadership, the future is bright.

More rain and everlasting peace in Eritrea.

Wisdom and Strength to the Eritrean Leadership.

Glory to the Eritrean Martyrs.

Awet N’Hafash

Samson Negassi

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